Friday, February 20, 2009

A&P Triple Coupons Feb 20 - 23, 2009

Triple coupons! A&P will triple coupons with face value up to and including $.99 today, Friday, February 20 through Monday, February 23, 2009. What this means: If you have a coupon which says $.75 off of any one (.75/1), it is now worth $2.25. Whoo hoo! Things to off which to take notice: most stores only accept 4 of any one coupon (meaning that if you have five of the same coupons for, oh, say, gum, only the first four will triple).

Things that are free with tripled coupon at my local A&P:

Muir Glen sauce or tomatoes
Mentos Gum

I used rainchecks that I had for a few items combined with coupons (tripled!) that also made them free:

Loreal Kids Shampoo
Rachel's Exotic Yogurt

Note that I bought 15 of the Rachel's Exotic Yogurt and received two Catalinas for $1.00 off your next order (OYNO). That was an additional bonus of which I was unaware!

Upcoming: A post on Acme's deal last week (with pictures!)

Now, to scope out the rumors I've heard about Pathmark also having triples for the same time period as A&P...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Diet Dr. Pepper Freebie Alert

I haven't posted much in the past month as I am attempting to carve out regular time for posting. That, and I'm still learning how the blogging thing works, and how I want to make it work for me, and for you, the readers.

Having said that, here's a link for a free Diet Dr. Pepper coupon!